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12/16/2024 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

December 16th, 2024

In person –Chairman Bruno, Select Woman Strand, and Selectman Morris and Select Woman Hibberd.

Nonpublic for reasons of reputation 5:45-6:00- The board discussed three requests from the Needy Child Fund.

Select Woman Hibberd motioned to accept the three Need Child Fund requests.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Public Input- Chris McGrath thanked the board for the transparent hiring process for the Fire Chief position.

CIP Committee- Chairman Bruno introduced Rich Southwell, Capital Improvement Committee member, to go over the work the committee has completed since the committee had been reinstated.  Mr. Southwell gave an overview of the project tool he created to capture the projects the committee would be reviewing and he explained the process.  Chairman Bruno thanked Mr. Southwell and the committee for their effort to get the CIP started.

Total Budget Overview- The board went over the 2025 budget total noting the efforts of every department head to keep costs down.

River Road Engineering Submittal- Chairman Bruno opened discussion of the request for engineering services for disaster recovery. The town received a response from HEB Engineering, whom the town has worked with on several projects.

Select Woman Strand motioned to appoint HEB Engineering as the disaster recovery engineering firm. Select Woman Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.      

Tax Collector Abatements-Select Woman Hibberd motioned to abate 411-14 in the amount of $2042. Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor.  Select Woman Hibberd motioned to abate 409-053 in the amount of $480.  Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor. 

Façade Grant- Brown Paper Packages- Selectman Morris motioned to approve the façade grant for Brown Paper Packages.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.   

Updates and other business

Chairman Bruno made a motion to adjourn at 7:10. Selectman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Town Administrator