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12/18/2024 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Meeting

December 18, 2024



Present: Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Veronica Morris, Sally Fitzgerald, Jerry Blanchard, Sean Gawlik, and Alternates Angela Cleveland and James Gleason

Absent: Kevin Roy


Linda called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and appointed Angela Cleveland as a full voting member.


Kim Hart of 997 Main Street is before the Planning Board for a conceptual design review for  her property located on the corner of Main Street and Brook Road. Kim and her husband Arthur are hoping to construct a small building to serve as a drive through coffee/ice cream business. The entrance for the drive through would be off Brook Rd and the exit on Route 302. Linda Moore asked if Kim had contacted NHDOT. Kim responded that it was on the list. Kim’s question for the Planning Board was whether she needed a full site plan review or a minor site plan review. The board reviewed the regulations and concluded a minor site plan review would be in order for this project.


Bethlehem Re-imagined (BRI) is before the Planning Board for a Lot Line Adjustment with their abutter HINEC (Housing Initiatives of New England Corp).  Linda Moore read the public hearing notice and opened the hearing. Linda Moore and Alecia Loveless reviewed the checklist while Veronica reviewed the abutter notices.  Alecia Loveless then motioned to accept the checklist as complete. Veronica Morris seconded the motion and an all in favor vote followed.


Eric Raichle, Board of Directors for Bethlehem Reimagined is before the Planning Board to present the proposal. He feels the application and the plans speak for themselves but wanted to add if the Lot Line Adjustment was approved, both lots would be conforming.


Linda opens the floor to the public and reminds everyone that this application is just for a lot line adjustment and not for any activities that might take place in the future.


John Farrell, representing his mother Rita Farrell, who is an abutting property owne, would like to know what the purpose and intent is for the lot line adjustment. Linda Moore reminds Mr. Farrell that this evening is solely about the lot line adjustment and not the purpose or intent of HINEC’s future use.


Heidi Van Luven, also representing her mother Rita Farrell of 52 Agassiz Street, would like a description of the project, specifically if any part of the land is question is near her mother’s property line.


The clerk shared the plan via Zoom so John and Heidi could have a better understanding of the project.

Sean Gawlik made a motion to approve the Lot Line Adjustment between BRI and HINEC. Angela Cleveland seconded the motion and all in favor vote followed.


Cheryl Jensen of the Bethlehem Conservation Commission is before the Planning Board to present an updated proposed Lighting Ordinance.


Cheryl explains they made some changes to make things simpler in some places, and to make them a bit more technical in other places. They felt this was a better representation of the Conservation Commission’s intent.


Cheryl introduces fellow Conservation Commission member Rachelle Lyons to the Planning Board and explains Rachelle has been instrumental in cleaning these two amendments up.


The new wording for the Sign Ordinance was also presented.


Angela Cleveland made suggestions to add a definition for “astrotourism” and to insert the letter (K) as the abbreviation for the word Kelvin in the definitions. She also suggested that referencing studies does not lend itself to accuracy as time goes by. Angela would also like to know how the enforcement will work for this new ordinance.


The Board reviewed the minutes from 12/11/2024. Veronica Morris motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Gawlik seconded the motion, and a unanimous vote followed in favor.


Linda Moore motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:50. Sean Gawlik seconded the motion and an all in favor vote followed.



Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Ferringo

Planning and Zoning Board Clerk