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2/14/2024 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Meeting

February 14, 2024




Present: Anthony Rodrigues, Mike Bruno, Martie Cook, Alecia Loveless, Sean Gawlick, and Jerry Blanchard


Anthony Rodrigues opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 pm and appointed Jerry as a voting member for tonight’s meeting.

The first agenda item is a Lot Line adjustment for property owned by Ethan Schweitzer, located on Map 415 Lots 74 and 84. The Board reviewed the checklist and the abutters’ list.

Mike Bruno motioned to accept the checklist as complete. Jerry Blanchard seconded the motion which passed 6-0. Ethan Schweitzer explains the Lot Line Adjustment and offers to answer any questions.

Jerry Blanchard motioned to approve the application for the Lot Line Adjustment for Ethan Schweitzer, Map 415, Lots 74 and 84. Sean Gawlik seconded the motion which passed 6-0.

The second agenda item is a conceptual meeting for Thomas Carter’s property located at 2191 Main Street. There is an existing building that is currently being used for retail on the main floor. Thomas is proposing a bike shop that includes both repair, rentals, and retail for the walkout basement of that same building.

Leif Ostram, owner of Unspoken Bike Shop, currently operates a shop near Kingdom Trails just over the border in VT. He reached out to Thomas because the bike trails that are part of the Bethlehem Trails Association run right through Thomas’ property. Leif’s goal is to make biking more accessible by offering rentals. He is looking forward to building a strong relationship with the Bethlehem Trail Association.

The board feels this will be a good fit for the community and invites Leif to apply for Minor Site Plan Review. Dawn will reach out to Leif and send the Minor Site Plan Review application and checklist.

The Board reviews the minutes from 1/24/24. Martie would like to amend the minutes to reflect 24 seats for Bonilla Bread. Dawn states she will listen to the recording again to be sure what she had written is accurate.

Alecia Loveless motions to conditionally accept the minutes until the matter is cleared. Mike Bruno seconded the motion which passed 5-0. Jerry abstained due to absence.

The Board reviewed two letters submitted by individuals who wish to serve as alternates.

The first letter was submitted by James Gleason of 55 Shepards Run, who was present at the meeting. Mr. Gleason informed the Board that he was an architect and a former member of the Jackson Zoning Board. He further explained he and his wife moved to Bethlehem 14 months ago and were looking for volunteer opportunities.

Alecia Loveless motioned to accept James Gleason’s letter of interest and appoint him as an alternate member of the Planning Board for a three-year term. Sean Seconded the motion with all members voting in favor.

The Board reviewed the letter of interest in serving as a Planning Board alternate received from Angela Cleveland of 269 Mt Cleveland Rd.

Angela was unable to attend the meeting, however the Board is familiar with Angela and her experience, and is excited to have her as a Planning Board Alternate; particularly for her experience as a planner and Master Plan knowledge.

Jerry Blanchard motions to appoint Angela Cleveland as a Planning Board Alternate for a one-year term. Alecia seconded. A unanimous vote in favor followed.

Mike Bruno presented a copy of a Lot Line Adjustment Checklist from the town of Kensington and hoped the board would consider adopting something similar. Dawn will create a draft for the next meeting for the board to review. The next meeting will be a work session on February 28, 2024.

The board reviewed a correspondence from Julia Brabec that included an article regarding a court case regarding Short Term Rentals brought against the town of Freedom, NH.

Sally Fitzgerald introduced herself to the Board. Sally is running for the Planning Board in the upcoming election to be held March 12.

There being no further business Jerry Blanchard motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:15. Alecia Loveless seconded with all members voting favor.

Respectfully submitted by,

Dawn Ferringo

Planning and Zoning Clerk