2/20/2024 ZBA Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting
February 20,2024
Present: Andrea Bryant, Christopher McGrath, David Van Houten, and Ruth Heintz
Andrea Bryant opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and then opened the public hearing for Variance submitted by Barry and Angela Jones of 845 Old Franconia Rd.
The board reviews the checklist for a Variance submitted by Barry and Angela Jones.
David Van Houten moves to continue the meeting until 3/20/2024 after it was determined there were multiple items missing from the checklist. Chris McGrath seconded the motion with all members voting in favor; motion passed 4-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from their November meeting. Chris McGrath would like the minutes amended to reflect he voted no to discontinuing reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
David Van Houten motions to approve the minutes as amended. Chris McGrath seconded; motion passed 4-0.
Chris McGrath introduced ZBA candidate Andy Bartz to the board.
David Van Houten raises the question about a response to Jon Swan’s letter to the Board. Chris McGrath is concerned that the ZBA doesn’t have the authority to do so as the Select Board is the enforcement body. After a discussion it was determined the ZBA could respond by thanking Mr. Swan for his concerns and letting him know this is a matter the ZBA could not address.
Andrea motioned sending John Swan a response to his letter. David seconded, all members in favor.
David motioned to adjourn at 6:50. Ruth seconds, motion passes 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Board Clerk