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3/22/2023 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Meeting

March 22, 2023





Present: Anthony Rodrigues, Linda Moore, Martie Cook, Sean Gawlik, and Mike Bruno.


Absent: Alecia Loveless and Kevin Roy




Anthony Rodriguez opens meeting at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


New Officers


Martie Cook nominated Anthony Rodrigues for Chair. Mike Bruno seconded the motion and a full board vote followed. Motion passes 5-0.


Anthony Rodrigues nominated Kevin Roy for the position of Vice Chair. Mike Bruno seconded the motion. A discussion ensued regarding Kevin’s term being up next year, and whether he would re-run. The point was made that the position of Vice Chair historically prepares the board member to become the next Chair. Kevin was not present at the meeting, and therefore could not speak to the matter. Considering that Anthony withdrew his nomination.


Mike Bruno then nominates Linda Moore for Vice Chair, which passed 4 – 1.


Cunningham Lot Line Adjustment


Gardner Kellogg presents the plan for the Lot Line Adjustment to the board. The board reviewed the checklist and determined it to be complete.


Mike Bruno motions to accept the lot line adjustment for Helen Cunningham’s property located on Lewis Hill Rd, Tax Map 204 Lot 23. Anthony Rodrigues seconds, motion carries 5 – 0.


Board Business


The board reviewed the minutes from March 8, 2023 as presented by the clerk. Martie Cook makes a motion to accept the minutes from March 8, 2023. Anthony Rodrigues seconded. The Board voted in favor 5-0.





The clerk asks Board how to proceed on a number of recent inquiries.

  • Sanborn Head Communication regarding the clean-up of the Sinclair lot. Mike’s feeling is the permits are all issued by the State and therefore there wouldn’t be any Planning Board oversight.
  • Potential Rek-lis expansion, change of use or special exception? Board request they come in for a conceptual.


The April 26th Planning Board Meeting will be dedicated to a conversation regarding the Housing Opportunity Planning Grant. The clerk will send a copy of the grant to the Planning Board members with the agenda for the next meeting on 4/12/23.


Mike Bruno wanted to share the news that AHEAD is beginning work on a multi-phase plan for a new shared equity housing community off Maple Street and Maplewood Hill Rd. Houses would be between 700 and 1200 square feet, which wouldn’t meet the Tiny Home definition.


Martie Cooke made a motion to adjourn. Linda Moore seconded, and all were in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Ferringo

Planning and Zoning Board Clerk