3/27/2024 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Work Session
March 27, 2024
Present: Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Veronic Morris, Martie Cook, Kevin Roy, Sean Gawlick, Sally Fitzgerald. Alternates Jerry Blanchard and James Gleason
Linda Moore opens the meeting at 6:00 with a discussion regarding reciting the Pledge at the start meetings. She does not see the relevance and motioned to discontinue the practice. Alecia Loveless seconded the motion with passed 6 – 1. Kevin Roy opposed.
The next item was to choose new officers. Martie Cook nominated Linda Moore for Chair. Sean Gawlik seconded, and the motion passed 7-0.
Linda Moore then nominated Alecia Loveless for Vice Chair. Martie Cook seconded the motion which also passed 7-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 2/28/24. Sean Gawlik motioned to accept the minutes as written. Kevin Roy seconded the motion with passed 4-0. Abstaining from the vote were Martie Cook, Alecia Loveless, and Sally Fitzgerald.
The Board then moved into their work session with Kaela Tavares and Tara Bamford who have prepared three mock Site Plan Review Applications to run through with the Board. The agenda prepared by Kaela Tavares is below for reference.
Town of Bethlehem Planning Board:
Work Session
Wednesday March 27, 2024 at 6:20PM:
This meeting will be held in-person in the Bethlehem Town Hall Meeting Room
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- New Business: a. Preliminary Consultation and Review under the Site Plan Regulations: Discussion of project to open a gift shop. Located at XXXX Main Street, also identified as Map XX, Lot XX. Applicant: Andie Applicant.
- Preliminary Consultation and Review under the Site Plan Regulations: Discussion of project to construct up to ten tiny homes for short-term rental use. Located at XXXX Lewis Hill Road, also identified as Map XX, Lot XX. Applicant: Tara Tinyhouse.
- Preliminary Consultation and Review under the Site Plan Regulations: Discussion of project to construct storage units. Located at XXX Whitefield Road, also identified as Map XX, Lot XX. Applicant: Susie Storit-All.
- Adjournment
Kaela and Tara acted as the applicants while the board reviewed the Town’s Zoning Ordinances and Site Plan Regulations to determine how each application was to move forward.
There being no further business, Martie Cook motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50. Alecia Loveless seconded with all members voting favor.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Clerk