4/10/2024 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Meeting
April 10, 2024
Present: Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Martie Cook, Kevin Roy, Sally Fitzgerald. Alternates Jerry Blanchard, Angela Cleveland, and James Gleason
Absent: Veronica Morris and Sean Gawlik
Linda Moore opens the meeting at 6:00 and appointed Angela Cleveland as a full voting member for Sean Gawlik.
The first item on the agenda was to review an application for Minor Site Plan Review for the Unspoken Bike Shop. Linda Moore read the Public Hearing Notice. The Board reviewed the checklist; Alecia Loveless motioned to accept the checklist as complete. Martie Cook seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor followed.
Leid Ostrum, owner of the bike shop, presented an overview of his plans including strategies to handle traffic flow which included an entrance on Elm Street.
Angela Cleveland motioned to approve the Minor Site Plan Review for the Unspoken Bike Shop. Kevin Roy seconded the motion with all members voting in favor.
Eversource representative Shayne Dion was present to speak on behalf of Eversource’s upcoming Tree Trimming on Scenic Roads. Linda Moore read the Public Hearing Notice before opening up the floor to questions/comments from the public.
Julien Czarny of 845 Swazey Lane offered input on procedure and his past interactions with Eversource the last time they trimmed trees on scenic roads 4 years ago. He asked the Board to consider a revision to the standards, which, as written, essentially allow for the removal of all tress from the powerlines.
Mr. Dion interjected that they can only cut trees along the power lines, unless a land owner has given Eversource permission to cut trees off the lines. Mr. Dion also added that the timing of when the cutting takes place depends on other seasonal occurrences across the state.
Linda Moore closed the public hearing at 6:29.
The next item on the agenda was a conceptual meeting for the Lupine Montessori School which is currently located on Bronson St in Littleton but is looking to move to 25 Blaney Rd in Bethlehem. Sabrina Beaulieu, the school’s director, is present to speak on behalf of the project.
Sabrina informs the board that both the Fire Chief and the Code Enforcer have been to inspect the location. The water has also been tested for lead, the health inspector has visited, and an emergency plan for the Dept of Education has been written.
In regard to well and septic, they plan on going to the ZBA for a variance, so the septic doesn’t have to be enlarged right away. The plan is to add some composting toilets and some porta-potties.
There is parking for 7 vehicles on list with a defined traffic flow for drop off and pick up.
Currently there are 48 students at the school, but next year’s numbers will be reduced to 44.
Kevin Roy asks if they will need more parking for school functions. Sabrina explained school functions take place off site.
Martie Cook notes this is permitted use in District 2 and suggests the school come back for a full site plan review. The rest of the board agrees and asks Dawn to reach out to Sabrina to go over the details.
The Board reviews the minutes from 3/27/24.
Martie Cook motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Sally Fitzgerald seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Other Business
Dawn informs the Board that Frank Claffey, Town Treasurer, would like to Board to make a determination on the status of Szakmary Gravel Pit. Currently the town is still holding bond money and Frank would like to settle the matter. Would the Planning Board like to undertake the reclamation process and use the bond money to do so? Dawn will send documentation of previous board communications to Kevin Roy who will reach out to Franz Szakmary.
The Planning Board entered a non-public session pursuant of RSA 91A-3, reputation. Linda Moore requested a roll call; Angela Cleveland, Kevin Roy, Martie Cook, Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Sally Fitzgerald.
A local business owner was present to discuss changes to operations for personal reasons.
The Planning Board came out of the non-public session. Roll call: Angela Cleveland, Kevin Roy, Martie Cook, Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Sally Fitzgerald.
Martie Cook motioned to adjourn, Alecia Loveless seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:00.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Clerk