4/11/2023 ZBA Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting
April 11, 2023
Present: Andrea Bryant, Christopher McGrath, and David Van Houten
Absent: Ruth Heintz and Nancy Strand
Andrea Bryant opened the meeting at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The board elected new officers.
David Van Houten nominated Andrea Bryant as Chair and Chris McGrath seconded. Motion passed 3 – 0.
David Van Houten nominated Ruth Heintz as Vice Chair and Chris McGrath seconded. Motion passed 3 – 0.
Andrea reads the letter of resignation submitted by Nancy Strand.
David moved to accept the letter of resignation and Chris McGrath seconded. Motion passed 3 – 0.
Andrea relays to the board that Shane MacElhiney would like to remain an alternate and has no interest in filling Nancy’s seat but would if needed.
Andrea reads an email from Frank Pinter expressing interest in filling the newly vacant seat as a full board member.
David motions to appoint Frank Pinter as a full board member through the remainder of the year. Andera seconded the motion. Chris pointed out that he thought the position should be posted first. It was also noted that no one had answered the call for the PB or ZBA alternate positions which have been posted for quite some time. Motion passed 2 – 1.
The board reviewed the minutes from 1/10/23. Chris motioned to accept the minutes from 1/10/23 and Andrea seconded. Motion passed 3 – 0.
The board schedules the next meeting for July 18, 2023.
Andrea motioned to adjourn the meeting. David seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Board Clerk