4/24/2024 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Work Session
April 24, 2024
Present: Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Veronica Morris, Kevin Roy, Martie Cook, Sean Gawlik, Sally Fitzgerald. Alternates Jerry Blanchard, and James Gleason
Linda Moore opens the Public Meeting for the Storella/Brown Lot Line Adjustment at 6:00.
Gardner Kellogg was in attendance representing Nick and Sarah Storella and presented the application and the plans to the Board.
The Board reviewed the checklist. It was noted by the clerk that a check for the application fees was forthcoming from the Storella’s, who were out of town.
Alecia Loveless motioned to accept the checklist as complete. Sean Gawlik seconded, and the rest of the Board voted unanimously in favor.
Gardner explained that Nick and Sarah were adding 3 acres to their property by purchasing land from Clare and Bruce Brown.
Linda Moore motioned to approve the application for lot line adjustment. Veronica Morris seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed.
Linda Moore closed the public meeting at 6:14.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 4/10/24. Martie Cook motioned to approve the minutes as written. Alecia Loveless seconded the motion to approve the minutes followed by a majority vote to approve. Sean Gawlik abstained.
The clerk informed the Board that the Select Board has reinstated a Capital Improvement Committee, and that Sally Fitzgerald was asked by the Town Administrator to serve as the Planning Board representative.
Martie Cook had a process question; the way that the master plan is put together for capital improvement, a committee is formed specifically for Capital Improvement as it relates to the Master Plan and wonders if this committee will be serving that role as well, and if so, does this Committee know that the Master Plan could be part of its charge.
Martie goes on to say that there is a specific RSA about Capital Improvements, so if we can put the two together that makes sense to her once the town starts the Master Plan process.
Martie requested that the full board be made aware of open committee seats prior to someone being selected to join a committee. wants to ask that before somebody is asked to join a committee, we all have a chance to talk about it.
The clerk updated the Board on correspondence from NHMA regarding the Eversource Transmission Line Rebuild as it pertains to the height of the new towers. The clerk will extend an invitation to Eversource to attend a meeting to discuss the project and their request for a waiver.
Kevin Roy reported that he has not had an opportunity to meet with Franz Szakmary yet to do conflicting schedules but will follow up with him before the next meeting.
Sean Gawlik would like it noted that he regrets his decision to vote in favor of removing the Pledge of Allegiance to open Planning Board meetings.
Martie Cook wanted to talk about the Short-Term Rental Ordinance as it relates to the Selectboard regulations. She would like to know if we were expecting people who wanted to have a STR, under the definition of STR in the ordinances, to now come before the Planning Board for conceptual? Her understanding was yes.
A conversation took place clarifying definitions in the Zoning Ordinances for STR, Public Accommodations, and Home Business as they pertain to the new STR ordinance. It was noted that private residence that have STR are reclassified as a public accommodation which then triggers coming before the Planning Board for a conceptual. Also noted that anything existing prior to the new ordinance is NOT grandfathered because the RSA did not allow it.
The Board recognized that a process needs to be developed and will work towards that.
Martie Cook motioned to adjourn, Alecia Loveless seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:00.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Clerk