4/30/2024 ZBA Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Zoning Board of Adjustments Work Session
April 30, 2024
Present: Andrea Bryant, Christopher McGrath, David Van Houten, Ruth Heintz, and Josh Lieberman
Andrea Bryant opened the work session to review the Variance Application at 6:00 pm.
At the ZBA meeting on 3/20/24 it was discussed how the Variance Application could be revised to make filling it out and reviewing the applications more streamlined and clearer. Andrea Bryant presented a draft of the document she had been working on.
The ZBA reviewed and edited the drafts presented by Andrea based on sample applications from other towns and a training that Ruth Heintz had found that was available on the NH Municipal Association’s website.
The new document consists of the Variance Application, the Variance Criteria, Helpful Hints to filling out the application, Instructions to completing the application and the applications Checklist.
A draft document was completed and will be reviewed for the next ZBA work session in May.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Board Clerk