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5/10/2023 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Present: Anthony Rodrigues, Mike Bruno, Alecia Loveless, Kevin Roy, Sean Gawlik and Martie Cook

Absent: Linda Moore



Anthony Rodrigues opened the meeting at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mike Bruno recused himself to be part of the Copper Cannon minor site plan review.


Copper Cannon Executive Director Peter Christnacht presented the plans for the camp’s new covered sports court to the board. Although the project exceeds the 5800 square foot limit for Minor Site Plan Review, Mike Bruno requested the board take into consideration that this project is not an enclosed structure, but rather an overhead structure for a new sports court.


The Board reviewed the presented plans and asked the abutters who were present if they had any concerns/questions of which there were none.


Martie Cook motioned to waive site plan review for the project.  Anthony Rodrigues seconded the motion which passed 5-0.


The board discussed a communication from Jerry Blanchard expressing interest in becoming a Planning Board alternate member. Kevin Roy motioned to appoint Jerry as an alternate member of the Bethlehem Planning Board. Mike Bruno seconded the motion. A 6-0 vote in favor of appointing Jerry Blanchard as an alternate member of the Bethlehem Planning Board followed.


The Board reviewed the minutes from 4/12/2023. It was pointed out that some names were misspelled and need to be corrected. Martie Cook motioned to accept the minutes with the noted changes. Alecia Loveless seconded with a unanimous vote in favor following.


The Board reviewed the minutes from 4/26/2023. Martie Cook would like the minutes to reflect that there were 31 people in attendance at the HOP Grant informational meeting. She would also like a link for the recording of the meeting added to the minutes. Anthony Rodrigues motioned to accept the minutes from 4/23/2023 with the additions. Alecia seconded with a unanimous vote in favor following.


Alecia Loveless motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:18. Sean Gawlik seconded. All members present voted in favor of adjourning the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Ferringo

Planning and Zoning Board Clerk