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6/12/24 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Public Hearing

June 12, 2024




Present: Linda Moore, Veronica Morris, Kevin Roy, Sean Gawlik, Sally Fitzgerald. Alternates Jerry Blanchard and Angela Cleveland



Linda Moore opens the meeting at 6:00 pm and appoints Jerry Blanchard and Angela Cleveland to join the Board as full voting members.

Linda opens the public meeting for the Lot Line Adjustment application submitted by Peter Rivers and Paul Greenlaw.

Vernonica Morris and Linda Moore review the checklist. Veronica Morris motions to accept the checklist as complete. Angela Cleveland seconded the motion which passed 6-0.

Garnder Kellogg presents the plans to the Board and explains that the applicants co-own a lot on Cottage St that sits between their individual homes (67 Cottage St and 71 Cottage St) and are looking to move their individual boundary lines an equal distance to dissolve the vacant lot (Tax Map 205, Lot 175.1).

Jerry Blanchard moved to approve the application for a lot line adjustment; Angela Cleveland seconded the motion, which passed 6-0.

The next order of business was to fill the vacant seat left by Martie Cook’s resignation. Kevin Roy nominated Jerry Blanchard and sited precedent that supported appointed an individual who appeared on the most recent ballot and garnered the second largest number of votes. Angela Cleveland supported the nomination and seconded Kevin’s nomination. Sally Fitzgerald then nominated Casey MacDonald of 71 Fairview Ave. Veronica Morris supported the comments Kevin made regarding Jerry’s attendance record as an alternate and felt the precedent of appointing current alternates seemed like a good option.

Linda called for a vote on Jerry Blanchard’s nomination. Kevin Roy, Angela Cleveland, Linda Moore, Veronica Cleveland, and Sean Gawlik voted in favor of Jerry’s nomination. Sally Fitzgerald opposed. Motion passed. 5-1.

The Board Clerk asked the Board for clarification on home businesses with temporary structures. Did the Board expect them to come in for Site Plan Review. The Board felt a conceptual meeting at the very least would be required. Mary Moritz inquired about pop-up shops in buildings that have been vacant for more than 2 years. The Board felt in that situation the business owner should come in for Site Plan Review.

The Board discussed a memo to the Select Board asking them to enforce the Site Plan Review Regulations for a business that is currently operating in town before moving on to discuss a summer schedule of one meeting a month for July and August, unless of course there was Board business that warranted two meetings.

Veronica Morris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:53. Sean Gawlik seconded with all members voting to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by,

Dawn Ferringo, Planning and Zoning Clerk