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8/28/24 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Public Hearing

August 28, 2024




Present: Linda Moore, Alecia Loveless, Veronica Morris, Sean Gawlik, Sally Fitzgerald, Jerry Blanchard, and James Gleason via zoom

Absent: Kevin Roy and Angela Cleveland



At 6:00 pm, Linda Moore opens the public hearing for a minor subdivision submitted by Ohana Stays, LLC and reads the public hearing notice.

Veronica Morris motions to continue the public hearing until September 25, 2024, to give the Zoning Board more time to make their decision on the request for a variance. Sean Gawlik seconded the motion. All sitting members voted in favor; motion carried 6-0.

Linda Moore opened the public hearing for a request for a minor subdivision submitted by Toy Garfield for her property at 1 Swazey Lane. Alecia Loveless recused herself as she is an abutter of the property.

The board reviewed the checklist and the abutters notices for completeness. It is noted that the subdivision plan has not yet received approval from NHDES.

Veronica motioned to accept the checklist as complete. Jerry Blanchard seconded the motion, motion carried 5-0.

Linda Moore opened the floor for public comment.

John Davenport of 105 Swazey Lane asks if there is specific development for a new use and questions what would be permitted. The clerk leads Mr. Davenport to the Zoning Ordinances on the Town’s website.

Ruth Heintz states that a former owner merged two lots years ago and wonders if the current plan follows what was originally in place. It is noted the plan is slightly different to keep the large trees on the original lot.

Linda motions to approve the minor Subdivision for Toy Garfield contingent on the approval from NHDES. Sean seconded the motion; a unanimous vote in favor followed.

Veronica motioned to close the public hearing. Sally Fitzgerald seconded; a unanimous vote in favor followed.

Linda Moore reads the public hearing notice for the Lot Line Adjustment for Mary and Brett Jackson of 32 Churchills Cross Road and Holmes Revocable Trust of 66 Meadow Street and opens the hearing.

The Board reviewed the checklist and abutters notices.

Alecia Loveless motioned to accept the checklist as complete. Linda seconded the motions; a unanimous voted in favor followed.

Linda Moore pointed out that the new lot size for the Holmes lot is under the minimum lot size, however, the lot has always been non-conforming for lot size.

Veronica Morris questioned if the Planning Board was able to grant a change to a non-conforming lot and began to research in the NH Planning Handbook and concluded the Planning Board could approve the Lot Line Adjustment with a notation on the plan that states the lot is still non-conforming to help eliminate any confusion.

Vernonica motioned to approve the Lot Line Adjustment for Mary and Brett Jackson and the Holmes Revocable Trust with a note that lot 205-136.1 remains a non-conforming lot. Jerry Seconded the motion; a unanimous vote in favor followed.

Veronica motioned to close the public hearing. Linda Moore seconded the motion; a unanimous vote in favor followed.

Veronica updates the Planning Board on Eversource’s petition to the PUC. A pre-hearing conference has been scheduled for September 16, 2024, at 9:00 am. Her question is who would like to attend the meeting, because if we don’t attend, we automatically lose. The Planning Board could also ask to be represented by council. The Board feels having an attorney is the best way forward.

Jerry Blanchard motioned that the Planning Board make a formal request to the Select Board to arrange legal representation for the upcoming pre-hearing conference for Eversource’s petition to the PUC to override the Planning Board’s decision to deny their request for waiver to the Town’s height restrictions.

Sean seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Veronica motioned to move into non-public session per RSA 91-A Subsection 3 for reasons of legal at 6:52. Roll call, Alecia-aye, Linda-aye, Sally-aye, Veronica-aye, Jerry-aye, Sean-aye.

Veronica motioned to come out of non-public at 7:16; Alecia seconded. Roll call, Alecia-aye, Linda-aye, Sally-aye, Veronica-aye, Jerry-aye, Sean-aye.

Veronica motioned to adjourn, Sean seconded, a unanimous vote in favor followed. Meeting adjourned at 7:17.

Respectfully submitted by,

Dawn Ferringo, Planning and Zoning Clerk