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9/13/2023 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Meeting

September 13, 2023




Present: Anthony Rodrigues, Mike Bruno, Alecia Loveless, Kevin Roy, Martie Cook, Sean Gawlik, and Jerry Blanchard


Absent: Linda Moore



Anthony Rodrigues opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 pm.


Jerry Blanchard was appointed as a voting member for tonight’s meeting.


Ethan Schweitzer Conceptual – Subdivision


Mr. Schweitzer presented a conceptual plan for the subdivision of a 12-acre lot located on Tax Map 415 Lot 74. He explained he worked on a deal with his neighbor to put in a 50 foot right of way to support the subdivision.


The subdivision would consist of three 12 acre lots in the center of lot 74, all accessed off Little Havana Rd. Then another three lots in the southeastern portion of the lot, one each; 12 acres, 6 acres, and 5 acres. The plan is to sell the 6 and 12 acre lots to establish some capital for the rest of the project. Mr. Schweitzer is looking to establish some sort of work force housing project, or Veterans’ housing on the 5-acre lot and is before the Planning Board for input.


Mike Bruno wanted to know what the phases of the project would be and asked if Mr. Schweitzer had looked at the Cottage Community model. He also suggested he call Jen McNeil from Veterans to Veterans.


Martie Cook asked about current use and wondered if Veterans or Workforce housing were exempt. She also advised Mr. Schweitzer to contact North Country Council for information.


Mr. Schweitzer was advised that the time line wouldn’t start until Planning Board approval.


The Board reviewed the minutes from 8/23/23. Martie motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Jerry seconded, Sean abstained, motion passes 6 – 0.




Other business:


The Planning Board reviewed the recent changes to the State’s Planning and Zoning laws. Dawn advised that she had forwarded the information to Tara Bamford, who assured the Board that there was nothing they needed to address at this time.

Dawn presented the Board with a completed Client Feedback Survey that was submitted. The Board discussed the results and asked Dawn to arrange for a one-on-one meeting with the applicant and the Board Chair.

Dawn provided the Board with an update for the Chandler Hotel project. The Chander has met the conditions and the building inspector has issued their building permit.

Dawn presented a request for clarification on the “Two Years to Complete” regulation for a Herb Lahout. The Board clarified that if the project was not complete at the 2-year mark then the applicant would have to file for an extension. Dawn will communicate with Mr. Lahout.

Mike Bruno noted that gravel pit inspections had not yet been completed. Anthony requested that Dawn contact John Seeley and Mark Champagne to discuss scheduling inspections.

Mike Bruno requested that Dawn locate the Aquifer Ordinance Draft from last year and send it to all Planning Board members for review.


Jerry Blanchard motioned to adjourn at 6:49. Alecia Loveless seconded. Motion passes 7-0.


Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Ferringo, Planning and Zoning Board Clerk