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9/25/2024 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Public Hearing

September 25, 2024




Present: Linda Moore, Veronica Morris, Sean Gawlik, Sally Fitzgerald, Jerry Blanchard, Kevin Roy, Alecia Loveless, and alternates James Gleason and Angela Cleveland (via Zoom)



Linda Moore opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and appointed James Gleason as a full voting member for Alecia Loveless.

Linda reopened the public hearing for a lot line adjustment for Ohana Stays LLC.

Veronica Morris reviewed the abutters list while Jerry Blanchard reviewed the checklist.

Veronica Morris motioned to accept the application as complete; Linda Moore seconded; the motion passed unanimously.

Veronica questioned if the ZBA discussed the frontage for the property. The clerk will research and get back to the Planning Board.

Linda Moore continued the public hearing until the next meeting.

Kerry Bushway of Shrubby’s Smokeshack is before the board to discuss expanding operations through football/NASCAR season by temporarily offering pre-orders for Sundays to be picked up from their food truck which will be located on their property on the corner of Agassiz St and Corey Rd.  Pick ups will be scheduled to reduce traffic.

Kerry presented each board member with a handout that included an overview, a small site map with logistics, a Who, What, Where handout, and a sample menu.

Veronica Morris motioned to waive SPR for Shrubby’s Smokeshake seasonal pre-order service. Linda Moore seconded; the motion passed unanimously.

April Hibberd and Junk Lady owner Becky Dichristoper are before the Planning Board to discuss conceptual design for Junk Lady to operated out of April’s barn which is located on her property at 1574 Main Street. It is noted that the business would not have full time hours, by host events now and again. The hours would be from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. A parking plan and signage were discussed.

Jerry Blanchard motioned to waive Site Plan Review for Junk Lady to operate at 1574 Main Street. Veronica seconded, motioned carried 7-0.

Scott Milliken and Bill Walker from Housing Initiatives of New England Corp were before the board to discuss an upcoming application for increased senior housing to be located on a portion of the old Sinclair lot. The new housing project would be part of the existing senior housing at Hillview apartments.

Kevin Roy felt there was not enough time to inform/educate the public to decide on this project prior to their funding deadline of October 31, 2024. It is anticipated that a full application for a lot line adjustment and site plan review, as well as ZBA applications, will be submitted early in October. A tentative meeting schedule was set.

Veronica updated the board that the Conservation Commission is looking to the Planning Board to sponsor a warrant article to update the Lighting Ordinance. They will schedule a time to come before the Planning Board to discuss.

Veronica also updated the board about the SEC hearing that took place on Monday. It was largely about who could take part in the process. The next hearing will be sometime after November 8, 2024. Bethlehem is sharing counsel with the town of Easton.

The board reviewed the minutes from August 28th. Jerry Blanchard motioned to accept the minutes as written. Linda Moore seconded; a 6-0 vote in favor followed. Kevin Roy abstained due to absence.

Veronica Morris motioned to adjourn, Jerry seconded, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted by,

Dawn Ferringo,

Planning and Zoning Clerk