05/18/2022 Bretzfelder Committee Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
QUARTERLY MEETING—May 18, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Park
Present: Liz Carter, Nancy Czarny, Sue Greenlaw Shanna Maziarz, Veronica Morris, Bryan Smith, Sarah Turtle, Nigel Manley (via phone)
Regrets: Alecia Loveless, (Conservation Commission Rep not yet assigned)
Minutes: Shanna moved that the minutes from the January 11, 2022 meeting are approved. Second by Veronica. Approved by a voice vote.
Old Business:
- Feedback on Winter Programs:
- Attendance: Forestry Zoom (22); Snowshoe walk (10); Ice Fishing (14); Land Protection Zoom (17)
- A diverse group of people from all over the state (and maybe one from Germany) attended the Zoom programs. Nigel recommended that we try to conduct more programs via zoom in the winter.
- The Snowshoe walk was successful, despite very cold and damp weather and ice on the trails. Dave Govatski is a draw.
- The weather was perfect for the ice fishing and despite no fish in the pond, everyone seemed to enjoy it.
- Nancy suggested we may want to consider having more outdoor winter programs.
- August Programs
- August 3: DC3, band—Host: Liz
- August 10: BES Community Garden and Maple Sugar programs presented by Carol and Bryan—Host: Sue
- August 17: Squam Lakes Nature Center—Host: Nancy
- August 24: Mountain Bike Nature Tour (suggested) Lead by Nigel—Host: Shanna
- Nigel has been given permission, from SPNHF, to do the local publicity.
- Flyers/Posters
- Shanna volunteered to design the posters/flyers
- After approval by Sarah and Nigel, she will distribute the poster to the whole committee digitally.
- Shanna will submit the poster and flyer for printing and Nigel will pick-up and pay for the printing. (Approximately 12 posters and 40 flyers)
- The posters/flyers will be ready for distribution at the July committee meeting
- Distribution will be determined at the July meeting.
- Reappointment Status: Sue Greenlaw and Bryan Smith were sworn in prior to the meeting by Veronica Morris (Selectboard rep.)
- Sue Greenlaw reappointed (3 years).
- Bryan Smith, new member for 3 year term.
- Nancy informed the group that Marilyn Johnson had called her to inform her that she is off of the Conservation Commission due to a recent cancer diagnosis. Marilyn is doing well but is now under hospice care.
- Spring clean-up:
- Six students and one teacher from the White Mountain School volunteered for spring cleanup on May 6th. Nancy was the only representative from the Committee, but the student worked well. They raked the parking lot, swept the pavilion, weeded the garden around the classroom, and walked the trails clearing any blow downs.
- Mulch will be placed on the gardens around the classroom and Annie’s garden by Rocks staff in the next few days.
- Outstanding Projects:
- Basement floor fix due to sinking.
- Moved to FY 2022
- Will be scheduled as soon as Nigel gets a contractor to show up.
- Placing small signs with maps at trail junctions.
- Nigel has reviewed and approved the drafts of the new signs (as were suggested by the trail sub-committee).
- They were submitted to the Reservations Department of SPNHF for production.
- Awaiting the completed signs.
- Remove tree, with erroneous blaze, on trail going down to pond from upper parking lot.
- Block cut through on switchback.
- Scheduled to be done this summer.
- Replace vandalized sign by pond.
- Nigel to contact Image4, the printers of the original signs, to see if they still have the layout of the sign and if they can just print out something that can be stuck on the backing, which remains, or if a whole new sign will need to be produced.
- Plaque for Annie’s Garden
- Nancy to order within the next month.
- Schedule dedication in mid to late July.
- Basement floor fix due to sinking.
- Bretzfelder Funding at SPNHF status:
- Nigel is still waiting to hear from Tony in Finance at SPNHF.
- Veronica suggested that the endowment is detailed in the 1982 warrant article. Veronica forwarded a copy to Nigel who will send it to Tony.
New Business:
- Report from Nigel
- Nigel will be reducing his hours at The Rocks to 2 days a week beginning July 2022. He will still be the Bretzfelder liaison for the Forest Society. The Forest Society is in the process of finding a new farm manager for The Rocks.
- The Spring Clean up at Bretzfelder has been completed. Mulching to be done this week.
- All August programs are confirmed except for finalization of the Bike Nature Tour.
- Winter program suggestions
- Tabled until the July meeting. Members should think of ideas.
Election of Officers
- Nominations for officers were presented by Nancy and Shanna presented:
Chairperson: Sarah Turtle
Vice Chairperson: Shanna Mariarz
Secretary: Nancy Czarny
- No other nominations were presented from the members, so it was moved by Nancy that these persons be nominated for the select offices. Seconded by Sue. It was passed by a voice vote.
It was moved, by Liz, that the meeting be adjourned; seconded by Shanna; passed by a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39pm.
Note: Following the meeting Bryan asked if it is okay to bring BES classes to the park for educational purposes. It was the recommendation of the committee that he contact Nigel, just to inform him of the activities, as there may be a conflict of programs on a certain day. Other than that we welcome BES classes to use the park.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm, at the park