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02/24/2020 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2020

Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Caplain.

Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:01

Public Input
Rita Farrell asked if there has been any progress with the traffic study and if there are any plans. Selectman Moore said they wanted to start looking at that after elections. She said they have been busy with budgeting and spring is a good time to look at it.
Mrs. Farrell said there are mixed reports about Casella’s withdrawn application. She said they withdrew it because Department of Environmental Services (DES) said it did not justify need to expand due to public benefits requirement. She asked the Board to put facts on Facebook that a very thorough analysis was done by DES. Chairman Boisseau said he is not sure the Board can do that on Facebook. Mrs. Farrell said she wants people to understand and said putting it in the newsletter would be great. Selectman Moritz said she brings up a good point that people need to get the right information, but the information is available in the office.

Dann said the Board holds it as legal to tax people because they do it. He handed out a paper to the Board on 5 facts that taxation is theft and a crime.

The Board discussed making a decision on a phone system. Selectman Moore said she talked with our IT company and thinks the Board should hire them to analyze our situation and talk with staff to determine our needs etc. She said it would be less then $1000.00 ad would be done within 30 days. Selectman Caplain said he would like to see their assessment. Selectman Jensen said that is a great idea. Selectman Moritz said there is such a difference in estimates. Selectman Moritz moved to go forward with Profile Technologies contingent on it being $1000.00 or less. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 5-0.

Pam Sullivan gave an update on the marketing plan. She went over what they have done already. Mrs. Farrell asked Ms. Sullivan if she had reviewed the master plan and Ms. Sullivan said she was happy to review it.

Selectman Jensen said the Transfer Station Committee met Friday night and they think NCES will reapply for expansion. He said the committee is concerned with setting aside a considerable amount of money for route 116 transfer station site. He said they would like to look into having a temporary site at the highway garage for April 2021. He also asked if they (Select Board) could send the letter to Carberry to open discussions about them receiving our waste. They would like to look into a 6-ton compactor purchase, investigate bids to truck to Carberry, talk with Littleton and talk with Brett Jackson.
Selectman Moritz asked if the letter to Carberry can include that it may not start in 2021 and Selectman Jensen said it could.
Dann said they need to get cost to work with Littleton so they can compare the cost with the other methods.

At 6:50 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel and real estate. Selectman Caplain seconded. Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.
The Board discussed personnel issues and the country club lease.
At 7:55 Chairman Boisseau moved to adjourn. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant