Welcome to the Town of Bethlehem, New Hampshire!
This page has some helpful information to help get you acquainted with the community, including getting your home set up with utilities, where to find recreational amenities, local public schools, local businesses, public safety, government resources, and more!
The town of Bethlehem does not endorse any specific products or services. The following resources are provided for informational purposes only and may not be a complete list.
Zoning Ordinance
The Planning and Zoning Ordinance should be consulted before starting any new building project to ensure that new structures and/or businesses are in align with Bethlehem’s most current regulations.
Winter Parking Ban
There shall be no parking on any street, road, or in the turn arounds for which the town provides maintenance 9 PM – 6 AM Nov 1st – Apr 15th of every year to facilitate plowing and snow removal. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense and a fine up to $100.00 may be imposed…
Dog Control Law
It shall be unlawful for any dog to run at large, except when accompanied by the owner or custodian, and when used for hunting, for guarding, working or herding livestock…..
Wild Animal Ordinance
No person shall engage in the practice of baiting or feeding wild animals. No person shall loiter within 100 feet of the solid waste dumpsters when bears are present nor shall they knowingly approach within 100 feet of any wild animal within the zoning confines of the Town of Bethlehem…….
Resident Pistol / Revolver License
The license shall be in duplicate and shall bear the name, address, description, and signature of the licensee. The original shall be delivered to the licensee and the duplicate shall be preserved by the people issuing the same for four years. When required, license renewal shall take place within the month of the fourth anniversary of the license holder’s date of birth following the date of issuance…..
Noise Ordinance
The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the making, creation, or maintenance of such excessive, unnecessary, or unusually loud noises that, in their time, place and manner, adversely affect and are a detriment to public health, comfort, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Bethlehem.
Litter Control Ordinance
The purpose of this ordinance is to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of residents of the Town of Bethlehem through the control and prevention of illegal dumping of litter throughout the community.