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03/09/2020 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2020

Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Caplain.

Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:03 and announced Alan DeMoranville III has been hired as the new Police Chief.

Public Input
There was discussion about the listing price of the country club. Dann said he hopes the buyer gets to do what they want to with the property.

The Board discussed an amendment liquor license for Reklis. The Board discussed making the approval contingent on the planning paperwork matching their addition but decided they are separate issues. Chairman Boisseau moved to grant the liquor license amendment to Reklis. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.

The Board discussed the Coronovirus and said they want to be forward thinking for town employees, citizens, etc. Selectman Caplain said he doesn’t want to panic but should at least start talking about it. He also said it is a good thing to talk about for any issue when there is potential for a lot of town employees to be out.
Fire Chief Anderson said there is a lot of information coming in every day from the state and the health consortium. He said there isn’t a plan in place for having to shut down the town hall or many employees being out sick. He said the state is on top of this and we have been planning for years for emergencies. He talked about a notice cautioning people to be careful and to take precautions. He pointed out that it is more contagious then the regular flu and elderly and people with underlying conditions are more susceptible.
Selectman Jensen asked how we are with ambulance staff. Chief Anderson said we just got a couple more staff so that makes 5-6 but said we have 2 key employees that respond to the calls and the others fill in. He told the Board the testing that personnel need to take to be in the ambulance is a big issue.
The Board discussed using volunteers and the liability around that. Primex will be consulted on that.
There was also discussion about determining essential town functions like food pantry, tax collector etc.
Dann told the Board he will email them information that is contrary to panic.

Selectman Jensen said he would like to look into Northern Boarders grants. The Board agreed.

Selectman Jensen said the solar project at Profile (if it passes) will ask for a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes). He said the value is $680,000 and should ask the assessor. He also said we should look to see what other towns do. Selectman Moritz asked if they are paying the school to lease the property and was told they will be paid maybe $1.00.
Dann asked how it will reduce their bill every year. Selectman Jensen said he saw that it was $13,000.

The Board reviewed the minutes from 02/10/20 and 02/24/20. Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 5-0.
Chairman Boisseau moved to approve the minutes from 02/28/20. Selectman Moritz seconded. Carried 4-0 (Selectman Moore abstained).

At 6:39 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A II for matters of personnel. Selectman Caplain seconded. Chairman did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.

The Board discussed personnel. Will contact Primex. Letter to employees will be sent on Coronavirus.

At 7:31 Selectman Caplain moved to adjourn. Selectman Jensen seconded. Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant