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April 13, 2016
Present: Mike Bruno, Chris McGrath, Dave Wiley, Jonathan Stevenson, Stephen Gorman and Marie Stevenson
Sandy Laleme: excused
Meeting started at 6:00
Board Approved minutes from 3/30/16 with a change to: Can not solicit a site plan review
Election of officers. Mike Bruno elected Chairman and Dave Wiley elected to Vice-Chair
1. At 6:15 Mike reads the public notice for Ledgewood 2.
Steve Gorman recluses himself from any vote on Ledgewood 2. Due to employees’ relationship with applicant.
Check list was complete. Checklist and vote approved.
Jennifer Mccourt from McCourt Engineering presented the Major subdivision review for Ledgewood 2. Tax map and parcel #461/9 & 418/8.
She will stop in planning board office to drop off a Mylar. This will be signed by Mike Bruno.
Jennifer McCourt states that the smallest lot is on 20 acres.
Mike Bruno makes a motion to accept. Dave Wiley seconds. Unanimous
Public hearing for Ledgewood 2 closed at 7:00 pm
2. Horizons engineering for conceptual for parking. Stephen Lafrance spoke on behalf of Horizons Engineering. Plans were shown of new parking area. The board discussed that these are not the plans that were voted on.
Parking lot was moved
There were no sidewalks in place off Arlington Street
There was not a berm in the plans (that was promised to the abutters)
Snowplowing would be a nightmare going up the embankment
Generator platform was discussed. (noise to neighbors … with the placement of the generator)
There was discussion about how the hotel guests walk all the time. A sidewalk would need to be in place.
Dave Wiley suggests that there is plenty of room on the West side for a sidewalk. Dave also mentioned repaving Arlington Street after completion.
3. Mike and Dave mentioned that Bretzfelder is looking for a member for its board. Chris McGrath volunteered. Debbie will make the call to give Chris’s contact information.
Debbie was asked to check on alternate policies within the planning board. RSA 673-12
Mike motion to adjourn, Steve seconded. Meeting closed at 7:55.
Respectfully submitted
Debbie Bayley
Zoning/Planning Clerk