Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2018
Present: Chairman Moritz, Selectman Ubaldo, Selectman Boisseau, Selectman Glavac.
Chairman Moritz opened the meeting at 5:41 pm.
Chairman Moritz introduced CPA, Matt Angell and explained he will be reviewing revenue information for an abatement application the Board received. She said he will work with the Town’s attorney to get the info he needs. Mr. Angell said he has received some basic tonnage and revenue info. Selectman Glavac asked Mr. Angell the timeline to complete the review. Mr. Angell said it depends if information can be provided quickly by the applicant. Mr. Angell said a week is reasonable once he has the info he needs. Chris McGrath asked the Board if he (Mr. Angell) charges by the hour and if it is in the budget. He was told yes to both.
Kevin Roy, Andrew Timmons, and Nancy Comeau came before the Board to discuss the bears getting into garbage’s and the town wild animal ordinance. Mr. Roy said the bears are back and, in the past, letters, the ordinance, etc. was sent out to try to educate people. He said the letter should come from the town not NCES because it would have more beef. Mr. Roy also said the ordinance should be enforced better. He said certain people are causing the majority of nuisance and the ordinance says you will be fined. He doesn’t know of anyone that has been fined yet. Mr. Timmons said the totes are being stored on the side of the road and people are feeding the bears and both those things are addressed in the ordinance.
Ms. Comeau said totes should be brought out no earlier than 5 am on day of pick-up and suggested adding that to the ordinance. She also agreed the ordinance needs to be enforced. Chairman Moritz asked for a list of properties that are the problems, so they can be sent a letter. Selectman Ubaldo thinks an all town mailer would be better to avoid singling out people but also believes people have responsibility. Julian Czarny said people have a trash pick up is free mentality and leave cans out because of it. He said if the property owner paid for the tote they would be more conscientious. Julie Seely asked if Air BnB’s could be part of the cause of it. Selectman Boisseau said trash is being left out for days.
Mr. Czarny asked if there were updates on the skate park and was told they were taking the summer off. Peter Roy asked if there were any updates on the flag pole and was told they are continuing to look at options and getting info on how much it would save to move to the other side of the town building. Selectman Ubaldo asked if they should think about reconditioning the one we have. To rent a lift and pay someone to scrape and paint it. He said not a permanent solution though.
The Board reviewed the DOT easements with the changes from the attorney. Selectman Boisseau moved to approve the temporary and permanent easements as amended by recommendation of attorney. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 4-0.
The Board reviewed the crosswalk correspondence from Department of Transportation about the possibility of moving the one in front of Irving to in front of the Town Building. Chief Anderson and Chief Ho-Sing-Loy have reservations about proposed move. Chairman Moritz said she wouldn’t want to move it. The Board discussed it may not be as much of a problem once the berm is done in front of the post office. Chairman Moritz said she will reach out to Chief Ho-Sing-Loy to talk more about it. They tabled the decision.
The Board discussed a request from a property owner on Elm Street to purchase a small sliver of town land so they can build a garage. Mr. Czarny asked if the property is slated to be auctioned off and said he hopes it would be a sale (and not given). He was told the property is not up for auction. Selectman Glavac said there are a lot of abutters to this lot and he is not in favor. Chairman Moritz suggested they talk with the property owner to see if there are other options. Selectman Boisseau said they would be setting a precedent and opening ourselves up to other property owners abutting town property. The Board agreed not to pursue this any further.
The Board reviewed a code enforcement letter sent to a property owner in regard to RSA 147:8 which is a violation of not having water and sewer to their home. The Board agreed to send a follow up letter giving the property owner 30 days to come up with an action plan communicated to the town. Selectman Boisseau moved to draft a new letter saying the occupant has 30 days to come up with a resolution conveyed to the town or further action will be taken. Chairman Moritz seconded. Carried 4-0.
The Board reviewed a bill for the cost of an additional light in front of the Church area next to the Village Store. The cost to the town is $606.00. Selectman Ubaldo moved to put the streetlight in. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 4-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 07/23/18 and 07/30/18. Selectman Glavac moved to approve the minutes from 07/23/18. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 4-0.
Selectman Glavac moved to approve the minutes from 07/30/18. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 4-0.
Mr. Czarny said he asked the Post Office about a satellite postal bin and suggested the skate park area. He said they didn’t respond favorably but suggested the Board think about pursuing that to lighten traffic in and out of post office.
It was stated there will be a transfer station committee meeting Thursday at 6:30. Selectman Ubaldo said there was a low turnout at the last meeting, so they are welcoming new people. Mr. McGrath said 8+ people are coming on Thursday.
Rita Farrell asked who is in charge of deciding parking spaces on 302. She asked about a safety study because it is unsafe pulling out of Agassiz when cars are parked along 302. Chairman Moritz said she is working with Alex from North Country Council on creating a parking map that will outline public parking places. She said she will ask about a safety study for that area. Chairman Moritz asked if it is a parking issue or a speeding issue. Mrs. Farrell said it is a visibility and safety issue. Ms. Seely suggested making the last 2 spots for compact cars only. Selectman Ubaldo said the spots across from the Gazebo are wide enough to be spots so that needs to be approved by DOT also.
At 6:45 Chairman Moritz moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of legal. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.
Dann objected to the non-public session.
The Board discussed legal advice.
At 7:48 Selectman Ubaldo moved to come out of non-public session. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to come out of non-public session.
At 7:48 Selectman Glavac moved to adjourn. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant