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Wednesday August 31, 2016
Bethlehem Town Hall Meeting Room
6:00 pm
Present: Chairman Michael Bruno, Vice Chair Dave Wiley, Martin Glavac, Steve Gorman, Chris McGrath, Marie Stevenson, Johnathan Stevenson.
Mike Bruno opened the meeting at 6:00 pm
-The board looked over the minutes for July 13, 2016 with amendment from Co-chair to Vice Chair.
-The board looked over the minutes from July 20, 2016 with amendment from Co-chair to Vice Chair.
-The board looked over the minutes from June 22, 2016.
Chris McGrath motioned to accept the minutes, Marie seconded. Minutes approved with amendments
Mike Bruno reads the Public notice for Mangold Site Plan Review. Mike reads off the check list. Tom Smith Surveyor for the project goes over the plans for the check list. Dave Wiley motions to accept the check list as complete. Chris McGrath seconds.
Mike Bruno asks for any comments from the public on the Mangold project. There are no comments.
Chris McGrath motions to accept the application for Mangold minor sub division. Steve Gorman seconds. Vote is unanimous
Mylar will be delivered to the Planning Office and signed by the Chair.
Mike Bruno closed the Mangold hearing at 6:20pm.
Mike Bruno opened the Hearing for AHEAD SPR at 6:20pm. Mike reads the public notice. Mike goes over the SPR packet and reads the a butters list. There is one abutter on the applicant’s map that does not appear on the Abutter list.
Karen McGinley Attorney for AHEAD speaks up and states that yes indeed the missing abutter should have been notified. The checklist is incomplete.
There is discussion on how the list is compiled. The abutter list is generated by the applicant from information given to them from the Selectman’s office. Dave Wiley asks if the board could waiver the cost involved in the Site Plan Review. Due to not knowing who is at fault. Dave Wiley makes a motion to waive the fee. Marie Stevenson seconds. Vote: Mike Bruno and Chris McGrath oppose. Dave Wiley, Marie Stevenson, Johnathan Stevenson, Martin Glavac, Steve Gorman approve. 5-2 motion passed.
Rita Farrell asked that after the meeting can the people who are opposed to the AHEAD project meet in the hall to speak. Don Lavoie (alt. planning board member) spoke from the audience to say that it can be construed as an illegal meeting.
There was a lot of discussion on who can you talk to when you as a homeowner when you do not agree
with the decisions of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board. Criteria’s were discussed on how decisions are made by a board.
Dave Wiley motions to adjourn. Martin Glavac seconds
Meeting adjourned @7:20.
Respectfully submitted
Debbie Bayley
ZBA/Planning Clerk