Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2018
Present: Chairman Moritz, Selectman Moore, Selectman Boisseau, Selectman Glavac, Selectman Ubaldo.
Chairman Moritz opened the meeting at 6:00pm.
Tim Fleury, Recreation Director, came before the Board to discuss budget changes and salary. Mr. Fleury said he looked at different survey’s and did one himself to see what other Rec Director’s receive for a salary with a similar population. With all surveys the range averaged between 45,000 and 51,000. He told the Board about his short term and long-term plans including replacing the basketball backboards, tennis court repairs, pool, ice skate rink repairs etc. He said the skate park items are falling apart and he contacted the skate park committee and they said they are on hold, so he told them they have a week to remove the remaining items or he will do it. He said he would also like to develop a plan for the land on Elm Street and talked about making walking and hiking paths and dog stations. Also discussed was the cost vs. revenue for the pool. Accurate numbers will be available at the end of the month. Chairman Moritz said in regard to the salary increase she would like to see it tied to an incentive by growing membership and programs. She said he works well with other departments and also asked how to retain kids to prevent them from using another program and asked if extended hours and school vacation weeks would help with that. Chairman Moritz also suggested utilizing volunteers. Selectman Glavac agreed about school vacations but said it may be too late for Christmas week but could start working on February vacation and extra weeks during the summer. There was discussion about revenues being down in the revolving fund so $17,000 was moved back to the general fund budget. Selectman Glavac said he should work on programs, add homework help program etc. and once numbers are up, we should look at raise then. Chairman Moritz said she agrees with 3% and if the summer program grew it would pay for itself. Mr. Fleury said his enrollment numbers are down this year. Mr. Fleury said he will have less staff for the summer program this year because he was overstaffed last year. He also said he would like to utilize more local resources for the program. Selectman Ubaldo said the Board is asking him to do a lot. He said he would prefer to have a focus with a 5-year plan and said we should bolster what we have before expanding and get rid of what is not popular. Selectman Moore agrees with Selectman Ubaldo. Selectman Glavac said to let parents know in advance about programming so they can plan.
The Board discussed cutting $100,000 from the budget. Selectman Glavac said it is not a small amount to cut and said he didn’t want to cut essential services. Chairman Moritz said $50,000 will come from surplus so the $50,000 they need to reduce could come from warrant articles. Selectman Glavac suggested reducing legal by $25,000. The Board agreed to reduce it by $20,000. The Board discussed putting the $17,000 taken out of the recreation revolving fund back in the revolving fund. The Board also discussed the warrant articles to purchase a cruiser and creating a revolving fund for the highway block grant. Chairman Moritz said the $50,000 surplus would be from the excess in 2018 budget and would be utilized at tax rate setting time. She said there will be a reduction in revenues and with using $200,000 this year to offset it looks like approximately $411,000 will be needed next year to keep the tax rate stable if all other things remain flat.
The Board discussed health insurance. Selectman Glavac moved to change the % for all plans to 80%. It was discussed how the town currently pays 87% of a single plan, 84% of a 2-person plan, and 82% for a family plan. The Board agreed to keep the $17,000 in the general fund rec budget and to increase dispatch to $85,000. Selectman Glavac said they should buy the police cruisers outright. The Board wants to get a projection from NCES for host fee revenue for 2019. Selectman Glavac said if they change the insurance % the town will save money. Chairman Moritz said that would be a pay cut to the employees and they are trying to get pay competitive. Selectman Glavac said they don’t compensate when the insurance rates go up. Selectman Moore likes the idea of doing it for new hires and grandfathering existing employees. Chairman Moritz said she would like to see the financial impact and how much it will save the town.
Selectman Ubaldo said Chief Anderson’s spreadsheet on his new pay plan shows that he has enough budgeted to cover it.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 11/09/18. Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 5-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 11/05/18. Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 4-0 (Selectman Ubaldo abstained).
The Board reviewed requests from Eversource to do tree trimming. Selectman Glavac moved to approve the tree trimming. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Ubaldo said there was a request to have Ronney Lyster on the cover of the town report this year. Selectman Ubaldo move to put Ronney Lyster on the cover. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 5-0. Selectman Ubaldo will get the families ok.
At 7:31 Chairman Moritz moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of reputation and legal. Selectman Moore seconded. Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.
The Board discussed a lien on a property.
The Board discussed a litigation issue.
At 7:50 Selectman Boisseau moved to adjourn. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant