Home » 06/08/2022 Planning Board Meeting
06/08/2022 Planning Board Meeting
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
603 869-3351 x103
Public Notice
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Hybrid Meeting In-Person/Zoom
Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA 676.: 4; that an application for Subdivision/Site plan review for the proposed Adair Cottages Condo Development
map and lots 403 lots 24, 25, 26.1 & 27, Map 201 Lot 1. 80 Guider Lane Bethlehem NH.
Owner: JCB Inns LLC will be submitted to the Planning Board on Wednesday June 8th, 2022, at 6pm at the Bethlehem Town Hall during a regular meeting of the board.
Upon a finding by the board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Subdivision/Site plan review regulations.
The Board will vote to accept the application as complete and schedule a public hearing. Should the application not be accepted as complete another submission meeting will be scheduled.
The public can participate in this meeting either in person or by Zoom videoconference by following the link found on the Town of Bethlehem website bethlehemnh.org. The application is available for review in the Planning and Zoning Office at the Bethlehem Town Hall during regular business hours.