Savor & Tour Bethlehem
A fine range of food and drink recipes for adventurous palates
What is the Savor & Tour Bethlehem initiative?
Savor: To taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely.
Tour: A journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited.
Savor & Tour Bethlehem is an online collection of food and craft cocktail recipes and a visitor’s guide to Bethlehem. This project was established as a way to share the flavors and fun of Bethlehem with visitors in an interactive and unique way.
The Savor & Tour Bethlehem book will allow visitors to go on their own adventure, as they browse area businesses and tasty recipes, mimicking how people may act if they were vacationing in Town.
Once complete, Savor & Tour Bethlehem will be available as a PDF on the Town’s website and a robust digital marketing and social media campaign will be launched to generate attention and excitement for this project.
What Will You Receive?
All participating businesses/organizations will receive a dedicated page in the Savor & Tour Bethlehem book. Your page will feature a business profile (bio, photo of your business and website and social media links), your “hidden gem” or fun fact about Bethlehem, and a recipe that represents your organization, or just one of your favorites. For example, Bethlehem Trails Association may submit a trail mix recipe while The Colonial Theatre may submit a gourmet popcorn recipe.
The goal is to have a wide range of recipes in order to appeal to all demographics. We request that your business/organization submit a recipe which falls into the following categories: appetizer, main course (breakfast, lunch or dinner), desserts and beverages or craft cocktails. Use your creativity to help your business/organization’s recipe stand out!
We have included a sample template of what your business/organization’s page may look like in the Savor & Tour Bethlehem book.
What Happens Once It’s Launched?
Once the Savor & Tour Bethlehem book is complete, a strong digital marketing and social media campaign will be put in place. In order for visitors to download their free copy of Savor & Tour Bethlehem, they will be required to enter their email address. This will help the Town build our tourism e-newsletter list.
We hope you will also help us in promoting the book by placing links on your website and sharing posts regularly on your social media channels.
Can We Ask One More Favor?
As a way to entice people to download the book, we would like to give away a variety of $25-50 gift certificates from local businesses. If your business/organization is interested in donating a gift certificate to help promote this project, please check off the box on the Savor & Tour Bethlehem recipe submission form.
Join Your Neighbors & Just Be A Collaborator!
We are looking forward to sharing the flavors and fun of Bethlehem with visitors from all over. While we know that the ability to travel to Bethlehem has been limited due to COVID-19, the Savor & Tour Bethlehem book is a great digital resource to showcase our community and get people excited to start planning a trip when they are ready to.
Thank you for participating in this exciting new project!
Submit Your Information
Please click on the button below to submit your food and/or craft cocktail recipe and business profile. If you are unable to use the online portal or have any questions regarding this project, please email
If possible, please submit a photograph of your recipe. Please note, if a photograph is not supplied, a stock photo may be used. We also ask that you submit photograph that represents your business/organization such as an exterior or interior photograph of your establishment, product or service.
Entries for the Savor & Bethlehem book must be submitted by Friday, February 19 at 5pm.