04/27/2022 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Meeting
April 27, 2022
6:00 PM
PRESENT: Vice Chair Anthony Rodrigues, Martie Cook, Kim Koprowski, Kevin Roy, Alecia Loveless and Chris Jensen
Excused absence: Chair Michael Bruno
Mr. Rodrigues opened the meeting at 6pm.
All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance
Minor subdivision for Marszalkowski Map and Lot 204-061
Gardner Kellogg presented:
Steve and Frances Marszalkowski 53 Berkley Street are dividing their land into two parcels. One parcel will be 1.83 acres and the other will become 3.80 acres.
Board input
Kevin Roy asked about the driveway. They share a common driveway with Leslie Drier; Gardner Kellogg said.
Public input
Abutter Steve Dignazio asked what house it was. He was directed to the map.
Abutter Scott L’ecuyer said he has reached out to seller to ask if he could purchase a small amount of this parcel. He has not had a return call. Vice Chair Rodrigues asked Deb if this any concern for the board. Deb told him that it is not a board matter. It should be kept between landowners.
No further questions.
The board determined that the application was complete.
Vice Chair Rodrigues motion to approve the subdivision for Marszalkowski 53 Berkley Street. Kim Koprowski second. 6-0 passed
Closed Marszalkowski subdivision
Open Brown/Storella lot line adjustment
Gardner Kellogg:
Brown Family Trust is adding 3.48 acres to Nick and Sara Storella’s land. Leaving Brown with 14.86 acres and Storella becoming 7.02 acres.
Martie Cook asked it the land was in current use.
No public comment
The board determined that the application was complete.
Kim Koprowski motion to approve Brown Family Trust/Nick and Sara Storella lot line adjustment. Anthony Rodrigues second. 6-0 passed
Closed Brown/Storella lot line adjustment
Tara Bamford and the board went over a change of impact sheet. Tara explained that this is just a guide to help her with the site plan review document.
Tara will have a phase one copy of the Site Plan recommendations at the May 25th meeting.
Minutes 3-23-22
Chris Jensen motion to approve as amended. Kim Koprowski second. 5-1 passed Alecia abstained.
Minutes 4-13-22
Martie Cook motion to approve. Chris Jensen second. 6-0 passed
Motion to adjourn Kim Koprowski. Kevin Roy second. 6-0 adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Debra Bayley
Planning/Zoning clerk