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05/13/2021 BC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Cares Committee Work


Present: Chris Jensen, April Hibberd, Tina Lister, Erin Talcott, Alison Caruso, Carol Johnson-Haywood

Next meeting: June 10 at 9:30

Public Meeting Discussion Points:

Minutes from 4/15/21 were accepted.

Status of donations was reviewed. (roughly $3000)


Thank-you letters are up to date.

Spreadsheets for donor tracking and distribution tracking were reviewed. Alison will send info as to how to access these spreadsheets. Committee member writing the thank-yous will update the donor tracking spreadsheet.


A follow-up article was in the Caledonian yesterday. The importance of answering reporter questions while maintaining confidentiality was discussed.


The info forwarded to April regarding the NH Charitable Grant was briefly reviewed. At first glance it appears to be for “non-profits.” The committee agreed to explore accessing these funds further. Chris will contact the foundation to inquire as to the possibility of Bethlehem Cares applying. Chris also mentioned that we might want to explore accessing some monies through The American Rescue Plan.


Actions to be taken:


  • Chris will send out Paypal access information to committee members that don’t already have that information.
  • Alison will send out access information for donor spreadsheet and applicant spreadsheet to all committee members.
  • Chris will email the NH Charitable Foundation to obtain information regarding the possibility of us

applying for a grant as we are not a “non-profit.”

  • Any and all committee members are invited to research the possibility of The American Rescue Plan monies if time and interest allows.



One new application was reviewed. One previous application was updated.


#2 application originally reviewed on 4/15 was updated. While still interested in obtaining funds through Bethlehem Cares, the applicant has also applied for funds through CAP and intends to apply for a loan for remaining funds not covered by CAP (and potentially Bethlehem Cares). It was agreed that if the applicant would like to access funds through BC then the applicant will need to obtain additional bids for the required work. (At this time there is only one contractor that has been talked to.) April will continue with the needed communication with the applicant. Also, if needed, the committee can assist with CAP/loan applications.


#4 New applicant. Voted to pay one month’s car payment of $506.57. The committee also agreed to check back in next month to see if the applicant is out of the hospital, back on her feet, and re-employed.


A quorum of the committee was present to vote on decisions.