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11/09/2020 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2020


Via Zoom – Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Caplain, Selectman Jensen.

Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:00 and reminded people to leave their microphones on mute.

Chairman Boisseau said he would like to announce the positive for this week and thanked the board and all volunteers for their work on the election.  He said everyone was courteous and all went extremely well.


Barry Zitser – NRRA meeting on 11/04/20.  He said they have good resources and finances are in good shapeGuest speaker operates a recycling center.  He said everything he said was consistent with what the transfer station committee said.

Rita Farrell asked if she could talk later because she just figured out how to log on.

Chris McGrath asked on the new webpage if there is a way to view agendas and minutes without downloading them.  The Board will look into it.

Health Insurance plan – The Board reviewed plans from Interlocal Trust and Healthtrust.  The rates for Healthtrust came in lower which would change the insurance from Harvard Pilgrim to Blue Cross /Blue Shield if we changed to them.  They expressed concern over employees possibly having to switch doctors if they don’t accept BC/BS.  BC/BS is widely accepted up here.  Healthtrust would save the town 6000.00 ish a year.  Can also offer a cheaper higher deductible plan.  Selectman Moritz moved to move forward with healthtrust.  Linda seconded.  Roll call – all – motion carried. 

KRT – Cyclical – There is an estimated number of properties and then 50.00 for each after that.  Selectman Caplain would like to ask if we can reduce price for taking off big properties.  Also, #2 said assess all properties and they don’t – complex properties that Sansoucy does.  Approve contingent on not paying over 2103 properties.  Selectman Caplain moved to approve the contract subject to revision to #2 changing all properties and 103% cap.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Roll call – all – motion carried. 

Kevin Roy – Roadside dumping of materials and littering ordinance.  Kevin Roy was not in the meeting, but Chairman Boisseau said he asked how material will be accounted for, how will it be controlled, and other questions.  Postpone until Kevin can be here.

Budget schedule – Selectman Moritz said we should share the screen so people can see it when they discuss it.  Board liked the condensed budget meetings better than the multiple repetitive meetings.  The budget dates will be 11/30/20, 12/07/20, 12/14/20.  The schedule will be the same as last year with highway and planning switching.  Jan 4 – total budget review.  Jan. 18th – budget hearing. – check to see if it can be put off a week. Selectman Caplain – leave country club on there just in case.  Selectman Moritz – We have intended to bring town employees pay up to competitive rates with surrounding communities. She said she thinks they have done that. She also said it should be a merit increase this year and not a standard 3%.  Selectman Caplain said should consider budgeting with COVID-19 scenario and without COVID-19 scenario.  He also asked is there money that can be saved from budgets if there are closures from COVID-19 and if dept’s need more possibly – emergency services.  Keep the budget flat? Ask departments to keep budgets flat.

The Board was informed that the welfare budget is over, and the legal budget will most likely go over.

Selectman Moritz said the Rec dept. will be temp. suspended due to elem. School going remote.

Chairman Boisseau said they need to discuss the Administrative Assistant hiring.  It was stated there have been quite a few applicants.  Selectmen Caplain and Moritz would be interested in doing the interviews.  Selectman Moritz volunteered Chairman Boisseau as well, but his schedule won’t allow for it at this time.  They will need to screen resumes and determine who to interview.  Selectman Moritz suggested looking at all resumes and weighing them and send to April.  All 5 could do that and then 2 could interview and others can submit questions to ask.  Discussed how to rank and process to interview.  April will remove the ones that are not qualified.

Selectman Caplain said the extension is for the end of next week for the country club closing and the survey is done and was sent to both attorney’s and closing looks like it will be on the 20th.

Rita Farrell – public input – 100 people in town have opposed permit to landfill.  Court order – amendments -court ordered obligations.  Agreements should be enforceable by Grafton Court.

At 7:10 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Roll call – all – motion carried. 

Personnel – advertise DA

At 7:29 Selectman Moritz moved to adjourn.  Selectman Jensen seconded.  Roll call – all – motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted,

April Hibberd

Administrative Assistant