12/14/2021 BC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Cares Committee Work
Present: Chris Jensen, April Hibberd, Tina Lister, Carol Johnson-Haywood, Alison Caruso
Next meeting: Jan. 25, 2022 at 9:30
Public Meeting Discussion Points:
Minutes from 11/18/21 were accepted.
The BC fliers were delivered to Maia’s and Maia’s Friday Coffee collected and donated $96 for Bethlehem Cares. Carol will write a note in thanks. Fliers will be dropped off at the elementary school – Tina, and at Profile – Chris.
The account holds approximately $4000. Alison will get with Frank to finalize the reconciliation of the books. Alison will also sync her book work with Frank’s on a monthly basis.
A discussion about how to manage a crisis situation when it is impossible to gather a quorum was brought to the table. If absolutely needed it was decided to make individual calls to all committee members around a specific situation to evaluate the support of the current crisis situation. If the majority stands with providing some support a vote can be officially made and recorded at the next opportunity to come together with a quorum.
Moved to non-public –
Previous application updates:
#7 DM All set at this time.
#8 KD – Welfare managed the electric issue.
#9 CF – Specific information pertaining to the request for assistance was shared. The committee agreed to provide up to $750 to allow for the necessary car repairs. This contribution will not cover all of the expenses. CF will cover the remaining portion.
#10 CN – All set at this time.
#11 GB – April has been in contact with GB. He has acquired a place to live in Franconia which allows him to walk to work for now.
New applications –
#12 HV- Going through a major life crisis. Needs a new transmission to be able to continue with work as the sole supporter of her family. Chris checked on costs and made arrangements with Phil Bell. A motion was made and voted on – unanimous agreement to pay up to $1500 for a new transmission.
A message had been received from Tammy Sanborn (elementary school guidance counselor) about a family in potential need at school, however no further contact has been received.